Friday, February 12, 2016

Respect Myself and Others - Purple Petal

Respect Myself & Others - February 11, 2016

This was one of the best meetings for me as the leader because I got to do Yoga with my daughter!  So much fun.

We started to meeting with a connect the dots daisy flower activity.  Meanwhile, the parents were talking about cookie booth sales and walkabouts and other options for selling Girl Scout cookies.

Then we did our standard meeting protocol:  Pledge of Allegiance, Girl Scout Promise and the Law (singing the song).

Then we read the story about Gloria the Purple Petal and how they all got ready for the surprise birthday party, were on time, etc.  We talked about how we can be respectful of ourselves by taking good care of ourselves, e.g. brushing our teeth, our hair, taking a bath, getting dressed, eating healthy.  We talked about what are healthy foods and and foods that aren't good for us.  But we also talked about having everything in moderation, i.e. having a little bit of one thing is okay, but too much of any one thing isn't good.  And talked about how to be respectful of others by being on time, being good listeners, helping with chores, etc.

And then...we introduced our guest (who was a Daisy's auntie) and welcomed her to teach us how to respect ourselves by taking care of our bodies.

The Yoga instructor had all of the yoga mats set around in a circle and they were all colorful.  Now looking back, I wish we could have taken a picture from above looking down at all the daisies laying down on the mats but that would mean someone would need to be on a ladder or hanging from the ceiling.

But she did different breathing activities with the Daisies and had them feel their hearts.  We did a deep breathing activity and felt calm hearts.  We got into table top position, and rounded our backs like a cat, then curved our backs while looking up and went moo.  Then we did downward facing dog.  Then we switched to an energizing activity and felt our hearts.  She taught us mountain pose and we danced around to music and then returned to our mats in mountain pose.  Then we did tree position, individually, and then with partners.  Finally, we closed with a relaxation imaginary activity.  She had us all lay on our backs, close our eyes, and imagination walking down a path where the sun was coming out from the clouds and there was a rainbow.  Then she recited the colors of the rainbow along with the associated parts of the Girl Scout Law.  It was FABULOUS. 

Then we closed with a Friendship Circle, sung the Make New Friends song, and then the friendship squeeze.