Monday, September 7, 2015


What in the world are SWAPS? It stands for Small Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere. Girl Scouts exchange them at any group event with other troops. So I was advised to have some ready.  

Remember how to make a snowflake cutout? That's how I made these daisies.  I made name tags for our first parent meeting.

But I made smaller versions that I laminated and pinned for SWAPS.

So take any size square paper and fold it matching opposite corners. 

Repeat by folding in half matching opposite corners.

Then turn the triangle upside down and fold it in thirds.

 Then you hold the single pointed corner, and cut off the dual points. 

Then, cut a leaf shape with the single corner (center of flower) pointed towards you and the triangle base away from you. Cut the point of the petal out of the base of the triangle.  Unfold your Daisy.

OMG, I love these! I think we'll make them on our next family camping trip.  You'll need 
- bobby pins
- freeze dried marshmallows, and
- safety pin

First, hook the bobby pin through the loop of the safety pin. Then twist the bobby pin together leaving two prongs. 

I used a sharpened pencil and carefully "drilled" a groove into the marshmallows. 

Then I put glue on the hole and set the marshmallows on the "roasting stick" to dry.
Some of the Daisies squeezed their marshmallows or pushed them on and smushed them.  So remind them to gently set the marshmallows on the roasting stick.

Voila!  The cutest SWAP ever!

I made mini- laminated daisies just like above and punched a small hole for the safety pin. Then I cut green ribbon and had 12 colored beads from the Dollar Store.  We tied an end loop then strung the beads through the green ribbon and tied a square knot and a bow at the bottom.


Another cute swap is a mini cookie sheet.  You'll need:
2"X1 1/2" squares cut from old cereal boxes
Aluminum foil cut large enough to wrap around the cereal box square
Tan foam hole-punched or cut into 1/4" circles
Black or brown sharpie
Hole-punch large and small holes

Take your cereal box square and wrap the aluminum foil around it is completely covered with one side smooth and flat. Tape the aluminum foil in the back side.  This is your cookie sheet.

Make your cookies by cutting out 6 circles about 1/4" wide or use a regular hole punch. I like how cutting the circles looks because they are slightly irregular shaped which makes it looks more authentic as homemade cookies.  But my Daisies can't cut such tiny circles so well so I think I will hole punch their cookies!  Add your chocolate chips by dotting the cookies with spots using your sharpie.

On the smooth side of the cookie sheet, glue the foam circles (cookies) onto your sheet. I glued 6 cookies but whatever fits in your cookie sheet.  Just remember to leave a space for a hole punch in a corner for the safety pin to fit through.

Punch a hole in a corner and insert your safety pin.

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